Saturday, December 30, 2006

POLITICS: Open Season....

Good mornin'

there is a rap-metal band "Stuck Mojo", (although I am not a big fan of rap of any kind)
these dudes decided to wake up from their usual MTV style, took the red pill and went to the real world...

if you dont want to read long and boring articles, just watch this short clip...

now... watch it... and send it to all you know...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Politics: Weekly summary

Hello to all my readers (both of you...)

in the current post I will try to cover couple of issues,

First one, is a question; what is the most sane country in the world?

the answer is :


Ethiopia is the only country in the world, who actually and actively fighting the Islamofascistic forces threatening their country, without apologising.

Ethiopia said on Tuesday it was halfway to crushing Somali Islamists as its
forces advanced on the religious movement's Mogadishu stronghold after a week of war in the Horn of Africa.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said his forces supporting Somalia's
weak interim government had killed up to 1,000 Islamist fighters.
"We have already completed half our mission, and as soon as we finish the
second half, our troops will leave Somalia," Meles told a news conference in the Ethiopian capital.
"We will not keep a single fighter in Somalia once our
mission getting rid of the terrorists is completed."

I wish our country will stand proud in our fight with the global Islamofascism.
maybe I am asking too much... :(
maybe we should more Ethiopian Knesset members...
more on Ethiopia here.

In our glorious state, on the other side... the Prime minister approves a huge amount of guns and ammunition to go to Gaza... huh? what is wrong with this guy?
not only it is CRYSTAL CLEAR that the guns will be used by the terrorists against our citizens,
But the Hamas are openly saying it!

"We vow that there will be no use (of these arms) in a civil war, as we
promise that should these arms reach us we will use them against the
occupation and the Zionist enemy,".

but, Olmert is Olmert, go figure... even that the recent so called "cease fire" ( Arab cease fire is when they shooting DOZENS of missiles on peaceful town of Sderot and Ashkelon while the IDF are sitting on they thumbs doing nothing... since Olmert wont let them) actually being used for the Islamofascists to smuggle weapons, ammunition and to prepare explosives.

ohh.. and by the way IRANIAN officers are training and commanding the new developed missile (Burak 2) launches on Israel.

what a great PM have we elected? I hope everyone who voted for KADIMA the last elections, fasted really hard on yom kippur....

now... for some serious pyrotechnics...

from the data of worldwide ballistic missile flight testing (missiles that can carry nuclear warhead) eight countries in the world were testing such missiles,

China, Fwance, India, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan , Russia and united states.

Israel is not within the countries who test nuclear capabilities, one possible interpretation of the data is, that Israel don't have nuclear warheads, and we are just playing bad poker.

another interpretation is that one of these countries is testing the missiles for us...

lets see which... US? no.. remember Polard case, US will not test our nuclear misslies.

maybe Russia? well, this can be true, especially on 7 September and 25 October "Bulava" tests...b :)

cause they failed... on any way our nuclear capabilities suck.. so maybe we ask Iran to test our nukes....

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But not the whole week was in vain,

one of the YAHOO news writers stumbled over a truth that UN is a criminal organisation...

The UN gives validity to zealots and bigots. It helps to keep tyrannical
dictators in power. It gives a voice to international terrorists.

The UN is buried under scandals. It has Oil-for-Food scandals. Smuggling
scandals. And theft scandals.

the UN works to gain power for itself in order to become independent and
supreme over its member nations.

Imagine a world run by the justice of China, with the economics of Cuba, and
the military might of the United States. Such is the world of the future under
UN global governance.

I hope he just don't pick himself up and go on, anyway.

Shabat Shalom.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Humour: Pachelbel

This is a surprisingly original comic show...
very different from what we are accustomed to see, personally I find this one a genius...

To people who are not familiar with the piece of musicianship, you can hear it ( sort of) here:


merry Christmas

Thursday, December 21, 2006

History: UN resolutions 242 and 338

Following the June 1967 Six-Day War, the situation in the Middle East was discussed by the United Nations General Assembly, which referred the issue to the Security Council.
After lengthy discussion, a final draft for a Security Council resolution was presented by the British Ambassador, Lord Caradon, on November 22, 1967. It was adopted on the same day.
Pro-Arab ( and uneducated leftists) sources often claim that UNSCR 242 requires Israel to withdraw from the West Bank, Gaza, and other areas.
This is not true! Lets see what UNSCR 242 actually means.
U.N. Security Council Resolution no. 242 states, in full, as follows:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (November 22, 1967).
Security Council,
Expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation
in the Middle East,
Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of
territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which
every State in the area can live in security,
Emphasizing further that all
Member States in their acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations have
undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with Article 2 of the Charter:

1. Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the
establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should
include the application of both the following principles:

Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and
respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and
political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in
peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of

2. Affirms further the necessity:

(a) For
guaranteeing freedom of navigation through international waterways in the
(b) For achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem;
(c) For
guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every
State in the area, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized

3. Requests the Secretary-General to designate a Special
Representative to proceed to them Middle East to establish and maintain contacts
with the States concerned in order to promote agreement and assist efforts to
achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement in accordance with the provisions and
principles in this resolution;

4. Requests the Secretary-General to
report to the Security Council on the progress of the efforts of the Special
Representative as soon as possible.

Lets see of whom the resolution is talking...
"to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,"
every state in the area means: Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.
lets look again... maybe some other state is hidden in the text?
"all Member States in their acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations"

Lets guess what countries in the region were member states of the charter of the UN... well you were right... its
Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon - no more, no less.

now when we understood of which parties the resolution speaks, lets see what does it says.

"establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:"

and I will translate: UNSCR 242 calls on all parties to the conflict to negotiate a solution, on what terms?
"the application of both the following principles: "
that means only if both of the principles are fulfilled, not one not zero not half,- BOTH.

and what are the principles?
the first:
"Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"
lets understand what is said in this line,

Israeli armed forces, not sovereignty, and not anything else.
territories occupied in the recent conflict, is it said "the territories"?- no, is it said "all the territories?" well, no.
so we learn that Israel is not required to withdraw from all the territories "occupied" in the recent conflict.
but from which territories Israel is required to withdraw then?
well we will learn in the second principle.
wait a minute... now a smart person like you will probably say "what the heck? you're just playing with semantics here! not with the "real" intention"
well, lets see what the real intention was:

The British UN Ambassador at the time, Lord Caradon, who introduced the resolution to the Council, has stated that:

It would have been wrong to demand that Israel return to its positions of June
4, 1967, because those positions were undesirable and artificial. After all,
they were just the places where the soldiers of each side happened to be on the
day the fighting stopped in 1948. They were just armistice lines. That's why we
didn't demand that the Israelis return to them.

The United States' UN Ambassador at the time, former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, has stated that:

The notable omissions - which were not accidental - in regard to withdrawal are
the words "the" or "all" and the "June 5, 1967 lines" ... the resolution speaks
of withdrawal from occupied territories without defining the extent of
withdrawal. [This would encompass] less than a complete withdrawal of Israeli
forces from occupied territory, inasmuch as Israel's prior frontiers had proved
to be notably Insecure.

Lets see in the second principle from which territories Israel is obligated to withdraw:

"Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and
acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political
independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within
secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;"

that means that the real intention is: that Israel will decide according to negotiations with the other parties to which borders to withdraw in order to achieve peace, and those borders must be secured "free from threats or acts of force", no more, no less.
Does Israel have to withdraw its forces even if the other parties don't want to negotiate? lets see:
Eugene V. Rostow (Distinguished Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, and former US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs), Rostow was one of the US officials involved in drafting 242 so he knows first hand what was and was not intended. He states:

Resolution 242, which as undersecretary of state for political affairs
between 1966 and 1969 I helped produce, calls on the parties to make peace and
allows Israel to administer the territories it occupied in 1967 until "a just
and lasting peace in the Middle East" is achieved

that means , if the "other" parties (i.e. Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon) will not negotiate, Israel has the right to ADMINISTER the territories.
Paragraph 2 in the UN resolution add more topics to negotiate between the parties, and paragraphs 3 and 4 are strictly administrative, and has no interest for us.
of course back in 1967 no Arab country wanted to negotiate with Israel because they didn't recognized the state. so the territories were administered by Israel until the "Yom Kippur" war broke, after the war, (when Israel has captured more territories in Egypt and in Syria almost reaching the capitals of these states) UN came with resolution 338:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 (October 22, 1973).
The Security Council
1. Calls upon all parties to the present fighting to cease
all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12
hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they
now occupy;
2. Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after
the cease-fire the implementation of Security Council resolution 242 (1967) in
all of its parts;
3. Decides that, immediately and concurrently with the
cease-fire, negotiations start between the parties concerned under appropriate
auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace in the Middle East.

the UNSCR 338 says that all the "parties to the present fighting" which means Israel, Syria and Egypt have to negotiate peace.
Israel unconditionally withdraw its forces Kuneitra district in vicinity to Damascus ( Syria), and from Cairo vicinity to the east bank of the Suez canal (Egypt).
Later in 1979 Israel eventually signed peace agreement with Egypt, and withdrew from Sinai peninsula territories to secure borders, thus withdrawing from 91% of the territories achieved in the last two wars. Gaza strip remaining as an Israeli territory (satisfying the Resolution's nonspecific withdrawal component).
in 1994 Israel signed a peace agreement with Jordan, withdrawing from some land near river Jordan and leasing some portions of agriculture land in the Jordan valley. (satisfying the Resolution's nonspecific withdrawal component) Judea and Samaria stays under Israel's sovereignty.
the Syrian border is still unresolved, since Syria's initial acquisition of the Golan Heights was illegal under international law!
Syria was created by the French mandate, while the Golan heights were under British mandate and part of the Trans-Jordania and part of the Jewish state as agreed in San Remo Conference. so the Golan heights were not legally Syrian in the first place. Israel's reacquisition of this territory was, and its present retention thereof is, lawful under international law.

the UN document
What was United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and what does it say?
The San Remo Conference, 1922
The Golan Heights Law
the British mandate 1920-1946

Friday, December 15, 2006

MOVIES: Eragon

When you go to a movie, which supposed to be based on a novel,
(a kind of a bestseller, I must say) with wonderful actors like John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons (a true giants of the industry).
and the movie supposed to include dragon wars, dragon riders, beautiful princess, knights of valour and arch-villains, you really think to yourself:
"what can possibly go wrong in this movie?"


the plot is shallow like a Kineret on a drought year, no twist, not even a real leading theme, the movie has no start and no ending (as it is a part of a trilogy).
There is no smooth flow of the scenes, it feels like a big part of the movie was cut out at the editing - and that's bad.
The acting is less than competent (and that is a huge understatement), the main hero character is artificial, not credible and don't get empathy from the audience.
(if this is some kind of a "directors trick" to make confusion in the audience in order to identify with the chaos in the movie, he did it right...)

The dialogues are... are... well... how can I say it?... the dialogues are utter nonsense- full of "chewed" cliches, contribute absolutely nothing to the plot, (it is really hard to contribute to something which doesn't exist...).
John Malkovich (the arch-villain) seen three times in the movie, for less than a minute each time... he is really lost in this movie.
The "hot chick" (Sienna Guillory from Resident Evil) doesn't "deliver the goods" (spoiler: she doesn't get naked).
The only person who saves the picture from total loss is Jeremy Irons who carries on his back half of the movie (why half? figure it out yourself...)

but, there are dragons in the movie, (and wonderful scenes of a vast forests and mountain landscape) and because of that, everything I said above is irrelevant, and you will go and see it anyway.

if you like quality cinema, good plot, good acting and good action; go and see James Bond "Casino Royal"
if you love dragons, you just can't miss Eragon.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Humour: sort of...

I have been told that my blog is too "heavy"...
so I will lighten it up a little:

Женщина - как дорогой мобильник. Наворотов много, а функция всего одна.

/chauvinism off

Sunday, December 10, 2006

POLITICS: מינויים והדחות...

או קיי,

עכשיו נדון קצת על המצב בארץ הקודש בשפת הקודש... 1
אז כך, נתחיל בשיטה שבה ממנים אנשים לתפקידים בכירים במדינה הזאת:1

נתחיל ברצף עובדות, ואתם תחברו את הקווים.1

מקרה א

שר המשפטים ( לאותו הזמן) היה ידוע כמתנגד

(אישית או מקצועית? לעולם לא נדע

למינויה של השופטת ביניש לנשיאת בית משפט העליון.1

ציטוט מהאתר השמאלני קיצוני "במבילי"1

לפני כארבעה
חודשים הפך כינוס של לשכת עורכי הדין באילת לזירת התגוששות בין בייניש ובין שר
המשפטים לשעבר, חיים רמון. בעקבות ביקורתה הנוקבת על יוזמתו להכתיב לשופטים
עונשים קבועים, הסיר רמון את הכפפות ורמז - מקומה של בייניש בכס הנשיאות אינו

רמון תקף את בייניש כשדיבר על מינוי שופטים לעליון. "זה הנושא הכי דרמטי,
ומבחינתי הכל פתוח", הוא הטיל פצצה. "אני לא כבול לשום דבר, לשום נוהג. אני לא
אומר שלא אכבד מנהגים, אבל אבדוק את כל המינויים מבית המשפט העליון ומטה".

כמו כן אמנון רובינשטיין ( שלא ידוע במיוחד כאיש ימין...) התנגד למינויה של השופטת בייניש בגלל נושאים
זניחים" כגון יושר אישי, והתנהלות משפטית".1

אין צורך לומר כי במקרה זה אמנון רובינשטיין הושתק ולא ניתנה לו במה, כפי שניתנת לו כאשר צריך להתנגח במתנחלים.1

כאשר אזל הזמן של בייניש וחיים רמון עדיין לא התקפל, היה צריך להזיז אותו מהמקום, כדי ש"פושטק" כמוהו לא יעמוד מול "טובת הכלל" .
חקירת משטרה...1

כשהאיומים על חקירת משטרה לא הפחידו את חיימק'ה, הגיע הזמן להשתמש בתותחים הכבדים...1

הגשת כתב אישום. שהוביל אחריו את התפטרותו של רמון ממשרת שר המשפטים.1

למשרתו ה"לשעבר" של חיים רמון מונה מאיר שטרית, 1
שהדבר הראשון שהוא עשה כאשר נבחר לתפקיד, הוא כמובן
להמליץ את דורית בייניש לתפקיד נשיאת בית משפט העליון...1

כל זה נעשה בצורה כזאת בוטה וחצופה שאפילו אתרי חדשות מסויימים שמו לב שמשהו כאן "מסריח"...1

( כאן רק נגיד שתרגיל דומה, נעשה כנגד
השר יעקב נאמן, שדרך למישהו שם על הזנב, ולא ירדו ממנו עד שהתפטר ממשרתו, לאחר
שהתפטר , יצא זכאי
.... 1

דיעה נוספת בנושא ניתן למצוא כאן. וכאן

לשם ההגינות נומר כי גם נגד השר שטרית היה כתב אישום על שימוש בכספי הסוכנות כאשר היה הגזבר.1

את כתב האישום המלא אפשר למצוא כאן:1

מקרה ב

החשב הכלל ירון זליכה, 1

לכאורה פקיד אפור, שלא היינו שומעים עליו אילולי היה לוחם בשחיתות השלטונית,1

הדוקטור ירון זליכה היה חוד החנית במלחמה בשחיתות בראשויות המקומיות שהתחיל בניימין נתניהו.1

למי שלא יודע מה זאת שחיתות של ראשויות מקומיות, אני אסביר:1

מנהל ראשות מקומית, ( שבדרך כלל נבחר כמינוי פוליטי) ממנה אנשים משלו לרשות, יותר מהתקן, 1
ומשלם להם משכורות עתק. אותם האנשים ברוב המקרים הינם חסרי השכלה מתאימה לתפקיד, 1

לכן לא מתפקדים בצורה יעילה.(וכמובן האלמנט של מינוי מקורבים עושה את שלו על תפוקת העובדים...)1

ראשות כזאת נכנסת לגרעונות אדירים עקב חוסר תפקוד, ניהול כושל וכו, 1
ולא יכולה לעמוד בתשלום המשכורות. כמובן ששרי העוצר לדורותיהם הקשורים
לראשויות המקומיות בקשרים אלקטורליים, מזרימים להם כסף חדש לקופה.1

אם השר לא מסכים להזרים כסף לקופה, אזי העובדים פותחים במסע תקשורתי מיוחצ"ן על הלנת שכר לעובדים העמלים, התקשורת הלוחמת נכנסת לפעולה, ואותו השר מתקפל ומזרים כספים, כי הוא לא רוצה להצטייר בתקשורת כ
"מלין שכר" ואחד ש"פוגע בשכבות החלשות"

בניימין נתניהו ניסה להלחם בתופעה, ע"י תוכנית ההבראה המפורסמת שלו,1

כלומר, ראשות מקומית שתפעל בעתיד לצמצום הגרעון, תפטר עובדים מיותרים ו"תאחד" סגנים, יקבלו כסף, 1
כל השאר לא. למה שאנשים שעובדים ומשלמים המון מיסים ( אני ואתה)1
יממנו כל שנה ושנה את השחיתויות של הראשויות המקומיות?)1

אותו דבר ניסה לעשות גם ההחשב הכללי ירון זליכה,1
וסירב להעביר בלי גבול תקציבים לראשויות המקומיות, אולם"כבוד השר" הירשנזון, חושב שלמינויים
פוליטיים בראשויות המקומיות מותר למצוץ לנו את כסף....1

ומכיוון שאין מסמכותו לפטר את החשב הכללי הוא פשוט נטל ממנו את הסמכויות...1

והעביר את הכסף...1

מקרה ג

ולאחרונה, ממש אתמול, עמיר פרץ, האיש והשפם מכה שוב!1

הכשלון חש כי ימיו הפוליטיים קצרים (עקב כשלונו המוחלט בתפקיד שר הבטחון) 1
ומנסה לבסס את כוחו במפלגת העבודה ע"י מינוי מקורבים לתפקידי מפתח.1

לפי ההשקפה הבולשביקית של עמיר פרץ, 1
אפשר להדיח את אביגדור קהלני (המבצע את תפקידו נאמנה) בגלל שאין לו גב פוליטי חזק. 1
ולמנות את יואל מרשק, מהתנועה הקיבוצית, כדי לזכות בבלוק פוליטי במפלגת העבודה...1

איפה ... מה... למה....?1

באיזו מדינה אנחנו חיים? ואיפה 1
התקשורת? "כלב השמירה של הדמוקרטיה" בסיפורים הללו?1

( שאלה רטורית אתם לא חייבים לענות...)


writing in Hebrew on this blog engine sucks , if you know some patent to work the alignment, please let me know.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

POLITICS: what Baker is baking for us....

Mr Baker and his LLL study group has published a report saying that they found a way to end the "Israeli Arab conflict"...

all Israel has to do is to forsake the Golan heights and two thirds of its main landmass in the center of Israel ( Judea and Samaria) to create another Taliban like terrorist entity... once it is done, there gonna be peace on earth...
the global warming will stop... complete utopia...

you can download the whole report here.

well, instead of taking an opportunity for "peace talks"
the representatives of the "religion of peace" officials are rejoicing, and bluntly state that:

"The report proves that this is the era of Islam and of jihad,"

"the end of the Americans and of all non-believers is getting closer"

"[With the Iraq Study Group report], the Americans came to the conclusion
that Islam is the new giant of the world and it would be clever to reduce
hostilities with this giant. In the Quran the principle of the rotation is clear
and according to this principle the end of the Americans and of all
non-believers is getting closer,"

"jihad will ultimately destroy Israel. "

"the U.S. "defeat" in Iraq is finalized, insurgents there should move to the West Bank and Gaza to help destroy Israel"


"If Israel will not start negotiating its withdrawal we are ready to launch the new stage of the intifada,"

for more info you can read here and here.

You see, that how their mind works... you try to be nice, you renounce, you hold back, bite your teeth, turn a blind eye on the atrocities committed ... hope for some human communication...
and get a Jihad in your face... all those nice gestures of the Loonie Liberal Left are interpreted as weakness and taken as a proof for the integrity of the murders strengthening the Jihad...

but well, we should have already learned that in our past (almost) 60 years of the state.. and yet... some people just don't learn... ?

or do we?
there is a bright side of the story here.

the question remains:
Do we have a future or will we drown in the Post Zionist dreams until it will be too late?

a wonderfull cartoon by Michael Ramirez...

Check this one, dont you just love the little doggie T-shirt?

James Baker's Law firm "Baker Bots"
is representing the Saudi government in the 9-11 victims lawsuit against Saudi Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz...

why we are not really surprised?

the sources here and here in the MSNBC report

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Gaming: UFO alien invasion

Remember the old PC game UFO by X-Com?
when you had to train a special force to stand against alien invasion?
and its sequel Terror from the Deep?

well some bunch of bored ( thanks god!) guys decided to create a re-make of the game, which is running on quake graphic engine...
the game is still in developement, and lots of parts still missing, but you can download the release candidate, play it... and submit the bugs you have found... if you are abored computer geek.. you are more than welcomed to join the efforts and help with the debugging of the game...

well, read it yourself...

is a strategy game featuring tactical combat against hostile alien forces which are about to infiltrate earth at this very moment.
You are in command of a small special unit which has been
founded to face the alien strike force.
To be successful on the long run, you will also have to have
a research team study the aliens and their technologies in order to
learn as much as possible about their technology, their goals and the aliens themselves.
'UFO: Alien Invasion' is heavily inspired by the 'X-COM' series by
Mythos and Microprose.
The first game of the series, 'UFO DEFENSE', became a classic and, in our honest opinion, is one of the best games ever made.
'UFO: Alien Invasion' is neither a sequel nor a remake of
'UFO DEFENSE' - we simply had the urge to create a similar
strategy game, which will hopefully be as entertaining as the
original was for the players (and for the developers, of course ;) ).

I loved it.. although it crashes when the aliens attacking your base...
anyway for my russian speaking public who don't play computer games...check this link...

POLITICS: Archangel Gabriel

Tell the story:

Pass the word:

Spread the news...

for the rest of the interview watch these:

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

You wont regret it...

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

POLITICS: The Thin Green Line...

The launching of this Blog was planned for a later period, but due to the latest events in Israeli politics. I couldn’t wait any longer.

Education Minister Yuli Tamir decided that Israeli students should learn about the country's 1967 borders. Tamir ordered the Green Line be included on all maps in all future textbook publications.

The Green Line outlines Israel's borders from the 4th of June, 1967, just before the Six day War broke out.

This decision is politically loaded since the 1967 borders are at the base of the Palestinian and Arab demands for establishing an independent Palestinian state.

You don’t have to be a PHD in Political Studies to understand that this is a typical post–Zionist political decision, another step in the Bolshevik brainwash for schoolchildren to make them forget our history, creating literally "another brick in the wall".

So since you don’t learn this material in school, you will at least learn it here:

Lets start With the UN announcement, at 29th of November - 1947.
When the Arabs legions under the watchful eye of the British, launched their Jihad against the future Jewish state. They were attacking Jewish settlements until May 14, 1948.

At that day, when the last British forces of the Mandate were leaving the territories of "Palestina",(which bordered in the east with sovereign "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" (the Jordan river), the sea to the west, and the border with Egypt to the south west (the borders from Egypt independence from 1922)).
All the territory of "Palestina" was still under the British mandate and sovereignty.

On midnight May 14, 1948 David Ben-Gurion has proclaimed the new State of Israel,
Implementing the resolution of the UN General Assembly of the 29th of November - 1947.
Eleven minutes after the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, the United States formally recognized the State of Israel, followed by Guatemala, Nicaragua and Uruguay. ( The Soviet Union recognized the State of Israel on 17 May 1948, followed by Poland, Czechoslovakia (formally), Yugoslavia (formally) and South Africa).

The next day the newborn state of Israel was immediately attacked by five Arab armies (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon) and by the uprising of the local Arab marauders.


Their intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League:

"This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be
spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades."

This onslaught on the Jewish state ended at early 1949 with armistice agreements,
Because none of the Arab states would negotiate a peace agreement.
It was a hard and a long war, in process of which the Arab armies ILLEGALLY, against the international law, Occupied (and held for almost 20 years) the former British mandate territories also known as Judea, Samaria and Gaza- these territories were never intended to belong to one of the invader states.
Armistice agreements neither granted to these invading Arab nations internationally-recognized ownership of these newly-occupied territories nor otherwise purported to infringe the Jewish people's rights of settlement and self-determination therein authorized by the Mandate.
In the aftermath of their unsuccessful effort to destroy Israel, the Arab states eventually expelled approximately 950,000 of their Jewish residents, cleansing the entirety of their Jewish populations (the real ethnic cleansing).

These "new" borders of territories illegally occupied by Jordan and Egypt were named the "Green line" the name is derived from the green pencil used to draw the line on the map.

Now we know how the Arabs got there from the beginning…
(We will talk about the so called "refugees" in one of my future posts)

From 1949 to 1967 Israel has been the victim of genocidal Arab aggression,
For all this time Syria, Egypt and Jordan had all permitted the various components of the fedayeen precursors to mount terror attacks against Israel from the Golan Heights, from Sinai and Gaza, and from Judea, Samaria and the eastern portion of Jerusalem, respectively. Syria regularly employed mortars and snipers against the Jewish communities of northern Israel from well-fortified positions on the Golan Heights.
Shortly before June 1967 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all maritime traffic going to and from Israel. (- a recognized casus belli under international law), Syria began to thicken its forces in the Golan Heights.

On May 18, 1967 the Cairo-based government-controlled Kul al-Arab (Voice of the Arabs) radio proclaimed:

“As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect
Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to
the U.N. about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total
war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.”

On May 20, 1967 Syrian Defense Minister Hafez al-Assad declared:

“Our forces are now entirely ready, not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with its finger on the trigger, is united....I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.”

And on May 28, 1967 Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser stated:

“We intend to open a general assault against Israel. This will be total war. Our basic aim is the destruction of Israel.”

On 5 of June 1967 started the Six Day War…
During the war Israel reclaimed back the territories of eastern Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and capturing the Sinai and the Golan Heights.

After the war inspite the arab assault due to pressure of the Arab states, UN released resolution 242
(Of which we will also learn providing further details, in one of my future posts, lets just say that Israel is not required by the issued Resolution to withdraw to the military separation-of-forces lines of 1949 but to "negotiate with the neighbors over secure borders")

But the Arab states still refused to accept or even acknowledge/negotiate with the Jewish state.

Later, Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated invasion against Israel in 1973 without provocation.
At the end of this military adventure, (in which Israel was caught off-guard)
Israel armed forces passed the Suez Canal almost reaching Cairo, and passed the Kuneitra district almost reaching Damascus …

The war ended with United Nations Security Council Resolution 338,
Which ment that all nations involved should stop fighting and make peace by negotiating over secure borders, implementing resolution 242.
After the war of 1973, Israel withdrew from 100% of the territory captured in Yom Kippur War... and from 90% of the territory captured in 1967… (Sinai plus all of the additional lands captured by Israel in that War beyond Sinai towards Cairo, and the district of Kuneitra on the Golan Heights plus all of the additional lands captured by Israel in that War beyond the Golan Heights towards Damascus).
At this year Israel made peace with Egypt… on which both parties agreed over withdrawal to secure borders, by this peace treaty; Sinai goes to Egypt and Gaza strip belong to Israel by ALL international laws.(UN resolution 242 and 338 is fulfilled on the Egyptian border).

Next, after two decades at 1994 Israel Signed peace treaty with Jordan… Some territories were given to Jordan, but the Judea and Samaria were ended belong to Israel by the international laws (UN resolution 242 and 338 is fulfilled on the Jordanian border).

Syria has not yet signed a peace treaty with Israel although Israel did withdraw from the Kuneitra district to "secure borders".

It is noteworthy that nowhere does U.N. Security Council Resolution no. 242 assert “Palestinian” ownership of - or call for the establishment of a “Palestinian” state in -- any portion of the biblical Land of Israel. On the contrary, the Resolution's explicitly-stated goal of safeguarding the “territorial integrity” and the “territorial inviolability” of “every State in the area” conclusively demonstrates that the Resolution was intended to address, not the present “Palestinian” Arab claim of sovereignty over certain portions of the lands captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War, but rather that which its drafters viewed as, fundamentally, a non-existential boundary line ( the green line) dispute among the combatant countries, namely, Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

Thus after being acknowledged with these FACTS… we can understand that the "green line" is an obsolete concept, which play absolutely no role in the international law regarding the State of Israel.

In conclusion, not only the proposition of Yuli Tamir, to draw the green line in schoolbooks is a promotion of her twisted Political agenda, but it is a dangerous brainwashing of the schoolchildren,
Someone should tell her what the difference between the thin Green line and a big fat lie.


International law and the Jewish people’s collective rights of settlement and self-determination in the land of Israel

The San Remo Conference, 1922 Extract

Myths & Facts Online Boundaries

Myths & Facts Online The 1967 Six-Day War

Myths & Facts Online The war of 1948

British Mandate 1920-1946

The Palestine facts

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.